12 October 2005

Why we are here taking up bandwidth

Since everybody and their dog (between us we have 20 creatures) has a blog these days, why not us? Actually, this story is more like my last bad haircut, a shining example of good girlfriends gone bad, but I digress.

It started out innocently enough, TJ and I were IMing away, daydreaming about our upcoming cruise and out of the blue, she wants to know when I'm going to start my own blog. Blog about what, exactly?? Its not like I have much of a life these days and certainly nothing to write home about. TJ reminds me that I knit and read blogs all day, and could take pictures of the stuff I knit and show the world my socks. (By show the world, she means herself). About this time we are invited to a group chat with My Evil Twin and CombatMom to talk with them about our upcoming cruise.

Blogging is forgotten as we dream and scheme about our cruise on the Carnival Glory at the end of this month. Its going to be more like a family reunion--military family that is. CombatMom and her son, TJ and The Geek, My Evil Twin and Earthpig, 2 of their Piglets, FozzieBear and I are heading for a weeklong excursion to more southern climes. We've been planning this thing for over 2 years now, during which time everybody but CombatMom has managed to take seperate cruises of varying lenghts just to see if we like it or not. CombatMom is still active duty and has been spending her time in the sandbox and other exotic, exciting locales and this will be her first cruise. So we are discussing the important points of going on a weeklong cruise--what to wear, how much we are going to drink, the pros and cons of tanning beds vs spray on tans, how much we are going to drink, various remedies and tips about how to control redness, irritation and discomfort on the bikini line, more drinking--you know, important stuff!!

So yesterday TJ and I are IMing again, and she wants to know if I have started a blog yet. I ask her again just exactly what the hell I have to say that is of such vital interest that it should be foisted upon the world in the form of a blog. This gives her a chance to recall our previous conversation about problem bikini lines and decides that kind of thing might be pushing the envelope too far. Feeling froggy, I remind her that the Dooce has poop and depression, Dad Gone Mad has poop and kids, why can't we have bikini lines??

And there you have it. Good girlfriends with problem bikini lines gone bad.
BTW, my recommended solution to the problem is a shaving gel by BikiniZone--hot pink bottle you can't miss it.


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