24 October 2005

Crafting again

I spent Friday night and Saturday beading: making jewelry. The Geek was very understanding about nothing (except feeding the animals) being done around the house during that time. That includes supper. I managed to make two necklaces, one bracelet, and one pair of earrings. The bracelet and earrings are NOT satisfactory so will end up being redone. What is wrong with them?

The design is the longest and hardest part. I do not usually have a pattern or picture in my mind. What I have is some interesting beads that I want to make into something. Therefore, I will study them for days or weeks to see what they say to me. Usually they give me some idea what they want to become. A short necklace or a lariat, maybe a necklace/bracelet/earring set, beverage I.D. loops, bookmarks. Sometimes they do not know what they want to be so I have to ponder what to do with them. That is the easy part of the design process.

Once I know what I am doing with the main beads I have to decide what other beads will work with them in the final setting, what colors, shapes, sizes. I spend some time looking through all my beads sorting out the ones that seem to be right for the project. (I have a large collection, if I like it I buy it; I never have a project in mind.) Then comes some more pondering time while I consider the composition, the order. Finally, I sit down and start playing with the beads – moving them around, placing them next to each other, coming up with a design, rearranging because I do not like it, changing the color or composition emphasis. This part usually takes the most time; it requires lots supposing, sorting, re-sorting, re-choosing and in-depth study. Sometimes I am not sure so I leave it and come back to it later, hours or days later. My table looked like this for days:(image deleted to make room for other pics)

Several times I thought I had the right mix, I’d start stringing and say, “nope, this isn’t working.” So off come the beads and I change the design again. This first necklace took over a week in the design stage. Including many hours or stringing and re-stringing until I was happy. Once I had a design I liked the actual stringing only took and hour or so. I like the way it turned out, cheerful, happy, sunny outlook, speaks of bright sunny days and laughter. The second picture, while blurry, shows the colors the best. (I swear both pics looked good on my camera.)
(images deleted to make room for other pics)

As always, it needs a good home. Would you like it? Let me know. It is sized to sit at the base of the neck. It is not a choker but does not dangle either.


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