12 October 2005

My side of the story.....

hhhhmmmm….. yes, she did indeed drag me into this, but at least I didn’t kick, scream or otherwise protest. It pretty much happened as she said. Except she missed the part where we were IMing and she asked what the name of the blog should be, it’s url, a descriptor. Duh – are you starting one right now? She didn’t really answer that but kept asking questions and sent me a link. Followed by more questions. Voila! We have a blog. I have to admit it sounds like a fun thing to do. There is no set schedule for new posts – at least I hope their isn’t. Jinx – we didn’t set a schedule did we?
Jinx is the long-winded, humorous writer of the two of us. I am apt to write shorter paragraphs pondering great themes. I sometimes B.S. well also. It has been questioned if I have ADD which would explain the short paragraphs and meandering subjects. I like to claim that my mind is pondering too many different things, all of the thoughts being important and therefore, I jump around from subject to subject trying to get my thoughts out. (See earlier comment about B.S.)

Hummingbirds: It has been a strange summer for hummingbirds at my house. During the spring they went migrating through so fast I did not get to enjoy them. In September, they were back practically banging at my back door demanding food. So I fed them daily, enjoyed watching their flights and listening to their chirps. And now they are gone! Poof! Vanished. Maybe three whole weeks of enjoyment. Am I whining about it? Darn tooin’ I am. Maybe I just never paid this much attention to them before. It’s like they said “okay, we got her trained to put out the food so let’s vamoose.” Overnight – gone. I miss them. They are so cheerful.

Hermitting: I like the sound of that word. I am a hermit. I like being by myself in my nice, cozy cave. This is, of course, hard on my friends who would like to see more of me. Maybe Jinx did not have to drag me into this blog, but just ask her (or any of my other friends), getting me out among people is a major battle. Why? Good question. The answer is anxiety disorder. Imagine doing 20 years in the military with that hanging over your head! Sometimes I wonder how I made it and most times I know that other people suffered when it became more than I could bear. To those people: I wish I had known what was going on and I hadn’t been such a bitch. I won’t grovel for forgiveness. What’s done is done. I’ll try to do better in the future.

Speaking of the military, lets talk about bios and blogs. Bio is military jargon for dry, concise descriptions of your military career. Always plain, straight to the point and really not saying much about the person themselves. Usually not more than two pages long, I’m pretty sure that’s one of the rules. (It’s been awhile and I’ve forgotten some things.) Blogs can be bios but what they really are is an insight into the person who is writing them, even if that person never writes a thing about their personal life. That is what I like about blogs. You get to know the person not the outline.

I can see I need to update my profile. I need to include disjointed (rambling, lacking continuity, disorderly, incoherent, jumbled thought processing,) in my list of adjectives describing me.

I know that Jinx is already working on her next blog entry. She is hereby warned, I don’t have it in me to do a new entry every day. I will try to write one every week. Or not.


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