29 June 2006

Ice cold sweet tea is a diet drink.

I did the math to prove it. 12 ounces of the sweet tea The Geek makes has fewer calories in it than 12 ounces of Coke C2 (which is billed as half the calories of regular coke). Exactly 10 fewer calories. Yes, it is sweet tea. He makes his sweeter than I make mine also. Why did I bother to do the calculations? You know why - to make it okay to drink sweet tea when the Doc said I need to lose a few pounds. So I gave up my C2 and switched to a drink with less calories. Logical, right?


At 5:28 PM, Blogger Bluejinx said...

10 whole calories?? Hardly seems worth the effort. However, due to budget crunch up here recently, we have switched to sweet tea from both Diet Pepsi and C2. Fozzie is taking his tea unsweetened, which will be better for him. Me, I've cut the sugar content to 3/4 cup of sugar to 6 qts of tea. How much sugar is Geek using??

At 11:16 AM, Blogger Tj said...

If we made tea the same way you do (yes I went and figured it out) it would be 1/2 C sugar to 4 qts tea. So... they both still even out at 10 less calories than C2.


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