Not-the-End of Summer Update
It's been hot here in L.A. over the summer. Very hot. Talking in the 100's for many days in a row hot. Talking electric bills that make you pass out when you see the total due on them. I wish fall would get here. It's not due till December or January. Living where it doesn't snow is not that great of a deal.
So here is a very good question: If it is still getting to the high-90's(F) by mid-day, why do I keep hearing that summer is over? According to the calendar summer has another month to run. Down here in L.A. it sometimes seems as if summer doesn't end until December or January. Oh to live someplace that experiences a real fall. Or is that a real winter? Because honestly, January and February feel like fall down here. At least spring feels like spring! Back to the original question. If the start of school is the signal that summer is over, then what will we use when school becomes a year round event?
And now we return you to the original subject: The Update.
Its been hot. Very hot. And its still hot. It will be hot for the foreseeable future. We spend most of our time inside. The good news: NO hurricanes for us so far this season.
The riding lawnmower broke, Sears said we blew a head gasket. A local guy fixed it for $170, replaced plugs, fuel filter and another piece. Half an acre with a pushmower isn't fun. I'm sure my neighbors were thrilled when I mowed the grass at 0700. I wanted to be done before it hit 95 degrees.
The Geek bought a new car - a Honda Civic Hybrid. He is a geek and likes to play with the latest technology. I got his older car and sold mine.
I've been doing a lot of work on crafts, see other blog. That's the highlights of my summer.