13 October 2005

Introduction to my cats

Have you ever pondered cats? I know BlueJinx has -– she has a few. If a couple of cats call your house '‘home'’ you know what I mean. They all have personalities, petty jealousies, quirks, foibles, and downright irritating habits. Want to piss off a cat? Bring another cat home. Really want to piss off a cat? Don't empty the litter box first thing in the morning. They will find creative ways to display their solid waste to remind you that you FAILED to empty their litter box.

Cats are trainable. They don't do sit, stay and fetch. They do learn how to tell time, strategically place their regurgitated hairball for the most contact with your bare foot, and the best places to hide when it is time to go to the vet. Mine know exactly what time I'm supposed to get up. So at 10 minutes till they start their breakfast call. Softly, slowly growing louder so that by the time the alarm should go off they are wailing in my ears. I don'’t turn the alarm on anymore, the cats do a fine job of waking me up. Unfortunately they don'’t have a snooze button.

It is not just breakfast either. Oh no; Screech knows exactly when supper is supposed to happen. He starts warming up about 30 minutes prior and serenades the kitchen loudly. He's not just asking for his supper he is also demanding that the dog get her supper. Why is he so worried about the dog? Because he likes canned dog food -the gravy part. He knows if he is noisy enough we will give him a tidbit when we feed the dog. We tried keeping food in the cats dishes all day long. Hairball got immensely overweight and the vet said ‘DIET’ NOW. Hairball will eat all cat food left unattended, which is the explanation for why the other two cats are skinny. It is not an explanation for her name. That is another post.

Is there a point to this post? No. Was there supposed to be? If you want a point check out what BlueJinx writes. I write just to babble.

Let me comment on the bikini line problem. I have solution for stopping the irritation in that area caused by a close shave. Wear loose fitting clothes. Very loose. No clothing is better but try going to Wally-world that way. “Yes officer, I understand. But you see, I shaved the bikini line area this morning and it feels much better without clothes.” I bet that explanation will float like a lead balloon. Since clothes are a necessity for Wally-world, cheat a little. Wear them loose and skip the undies. No nasty elastic to irritate your tender skin.


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