I want a new drug
"I want a new drug
One that won't make me sick
One that won' make me crash my car
Or make me feel three feet thick" *
As you may have figured out from the silence, I have found a new drug! But first, a little show and tell of what has kept me busy until it arrived.

A group shot of knitting projects. TJ's Asheville socks are in the back, TET's Asheville sock is on the right, the 2 teepees are my socks in progress, and the lone item on the left is a baby Ugg bootie for my Cool Sis. There were a pair of booties made for her, but my girlfriend Monk (previously known as TOCC) stole them for her granddaughter, so now I have one bootie left to make.
Here is a closeup for TJ of her beautiful autumn colored socks.

I had my doubts about the colors in plain stockinette, but they have worked out nicely--now the only problem is whether or not they will fit!
Ok, are you ready for the new drug? I ordered it last Saturday night, and knitted like a fiend to get TJ's socks finished before it arrived to distract me. Watching football on Sunday I got the heel turned on sock 2 and maybe an inch more. On Monday when I got the confirmation email that my delivery would be arriving on Tuesday, I really had to get busy! UPS got here as I was working on the cuff ribbing--my fingers were flying! I even impress myself sometimes.
I present to you my new drug--

An Ashford Joy spinning wheel! She doesn't have a name yet,and she is rather small.Fozzie tried to take a turn with her and his legs are way too long. This is a sample of the mess I made with her on the first day tryout

Continuing to amaze myself, I have limited my time to only an hour or so each day with her. I have enough back problems without going for broke. Here is what I managed on the second and third trys.

Looks a little better, but then again it is still on the bobbin. As I continue to learn and make a mess, I am saving all this yarn mass to send to TJ. TJ has a flair for colors, as she has shown with flower arranging and jewelry making, so it will be up to her to expand her talents. The Geek is not happy with me, thinking this spinning will cause him to have to spend lots of money on TJ. He does not believe that her portion consists of Kool-Aid packets. Oh well, he will learn.
In the meantime, I will just sit and spin. People have been accusing me of that for years.
"I want a new drug
One with no doubt
One that won't make me talk too much
Or make my face break out
One that won't make me nervous
Wondering what to do
One that makes me feel like I feel when I'm with you
When I'm alone with you"* I Want A New Drug, Huey Lewis & the News, 1983
I looovvvve my socks. I can't wait to get them. I suppose you are holding them ransom so I will have to come visit? I like your new spinning wheel. I think your second try at spinning looks good. Better than I can do with a spindle!
As for you being accused of sitting and spinning, at least they think you are awake. According to The Geek, I don't qualify for sit & spin; he tells everyone that I'm always napping. Not true. Usually. LOL. I just have to figure out a way not to sound groggy when he calls and wakes me up. ;)
I will start hunting for every flavor of kool-aid known to man. First I'll get that list of flavors I read about somewhere. I'll be tapping you, TET & CombatMom to check your stores for the ones I can't find here. Smile - you know you love to go shopping at Wal-Mart.
Good luck with the spinning.
Notice that TJ's socks got done but her twin's socks did not get done? The other Ugg bootie will get done, but nothing was said of finishing my sock.
Your first day looked just like that, a first day spinning. It was wonderful. Your second day looked like you have been doing this for a while. Very cool. I am proud of you, keep it up. My needles or hook will be ready after dying and drying. Let me know when it is my turn.
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