Another Blogging Idea From BlueJinx
Jinx suggested (in the nicest way) I stop sending her emails with huge .jpg attachments and make a blog entry with them. Okay. I can do that if I'm not too lazy.
Before Christmas, while visiting Michael's (the store) I noticed a large display of wine boxes. Tall, cyclindrical, cardboard things. In January I finally figured out my spindle (Schacht Hi-Lo) and decided since this looked like a craft I would be doing for awhile I should get something to store it in. Something that would protect it during travels. I thought of those wine boxes and said that should do it. So every where I went I looked for those boxes. And looked. And looked. No luck. Yesterday I decided to go spend money at Michaels again. Lo and behold they had a small selection of them over in a corner. So I got me one. Better get two in case I get that many spindles. I should get one for Fozzie also. Which one would he like? Better get a couple for him to choose from. So I came home with SIX! Here are the ones that haven't been claimed yet. Fozzie: If you want one speak up now.

They will hold two to three spindles each. Each box is 4" wide and 14" tall. So if you need a way to safely store and transport your spindles go find you some boxes. Not all Michael's have them, maybe Hobby Lobby will have some. Jo-Ann's didn't. I suppose you could find some on line also.
Meanwhile, I've gone wool crazy. I have this overwhelming urge to buy up every flavor of Kool-aid for dyeing, all colors of Wilton's dyes, every type of wool I can get my hands on, and numerous spindles. I'm ding my best to curb the buying but sometimes I just can't help it. I guess I went spindle holder crazy too. Couldn't curb that one; I mean, it was so hard to find them. What if I never find them again. Didn't curb the Kool-aid buying either. I bought 25 different flavors the other day; averaging 5-10 packs a flavor. But at 1 pack per ounce of wool that won't be going far. I'm still trying to curb the wool and spindle spinning. I've decided on going with eBay for now. I'll put in my maximum bid and wait. If I'm outbid - oh well. If not, YIPPEE!!
Time to get some housework done so I can spend the weekend dyeing. Already spent the morning searching eBay. Found some good deals. Cross my fingers I win them.
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