Unable to think of a cute title.
My brain is in 'serious reference' mode today. Might be because I've spent several hours searching the web for descriptions of different types of sheep wool. Anyway, I am unable to think of a catchy title.
Today's Subject: Kool-Aid Dyeing. Again.
I've been dyeing since Sunday and here are the last of the flavors. I used the steaming method which I have decided I like. You paint the pieces, wrap it in saran wrap and set it in the top of a steamer.
In this one we have Lemonade, Ice Blue Raspberry Lemonade, Tangerine and Artic Green Apple. According to the scale it weigh's about 3.5 to 4 ounces. It will be closer to 3.5 oz when I get done taking some of the Tangerine from it. The Tangerine overwhelms the other colors so much that you can't see them.

In this one we have Pink Lemonade, Watermelon Cherry, Soarin' Strawberry Lemonade, Slammin' Strawberry Kiwi (the pieces on the right), Tropical Fruit Punch and Wylers Slammin' Strawberry (the dark piece). For these I put one color on half of each piece. You can easily tell the difference in the colors if you are within 3 feet. We also have three pieces with all of those colors in them. You're getting them all Jinx.

In this image we have a mish-mash. On the left I used Orange Ocean, Mango, Lemon-Lime, Greenberry Rush, and Berry Blue. I cut the Ocean Orange with Lemon Ice. I wonder how orange it would have been if I hadn't? Lemon Ice turns a milky white color so I didn't bother to use it by itself. This one sorta grows on you, I'm looking forward to seeing it spun.
Nest to that group is two pieces of Ice Blue Raspberry Lemonade, double-strength Lemonade and double-strength Artic Green Apple. I originally thought to make this one to dilute the effects of the Tangerine in the first piece. Now that it is done I don't know if a) it will work with the other piece and b), if I want to give it up.

This last piece? I used one of Wiltons icing colors. Guess what the color name is. Come on, guess. Not you Jinx, you already know.

It's Creamy Peach. I did this one in a dye bath. I'm thinking of keeping this one around till I dye up some other colors to dilute it's intensity. Maybe just spin it with an off-white roving? Or dye another piece a lighter shade and spin it, this and off-white together. I could use Mango. Hmm. I think we need a drum carder. Maybe Jinx will meet someone at her guild meeting who would do the carding for us until we can talk my DH into letting me buy a drum carder.
Disclaimer: Any use of incorrect terminology is mine and should not be blamed on anyone else. I'm writing it as I understand it.
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